The Two Greatest Needs I see in the Church Today

One of the results of growing old is you develop a long-range perspective. In looking at the Church today I see two great needs I would like to share and have you consider:

  1. The need for Follow-up/Discipleship of New Christians

I am thrilled when I see people getting saved and baptized in water in our churches. Every time I see a post or photo of someone being baptized in water my soul rejoices.

What I have come to see as the greatest need in the church today is for churches/Christians to have an in place one-on-one follow up discipleship program for every new believe. Jesus spent 3 years discipling His followers. Many churches have nothing in place to address this need and even more significantly, many pastors are not discipling anyone one-on-one themselves.

I often find myself wondering how many of those baptized in water will be mature and following Christ two years from now.

What strategy do you and your church have for following up and discipling every new believer, no matter what their age?

  1. The need for Servant leaders focused on Christ, not themselves.

We live in a society that makes us the center of everything. What will help me get ahead? What’s in it for me? How will this help my career? Unfortunately, this is sometimes even true of ministry leaders.

We have forgotten it is all about Christ, not us. The real question is what does Christ want me to be and do. It is not about personal power, pride, prestige, or promotion.

It seems for some “servant leadership” has become I want others to serve me and my goals.

Over the years I have discovered and observed, without true love for Christ and others, there is no servant leadership. If we do not love others and have a burden for them, I think we must not be spending enough time with Christ.

This was not meant to be a criticism of others, but a moment of reflection.

  • Who are you following up/discpling?
  • How is your love for Christ being reflected in your love for others?