Year-End Reflection

The end of the year is when a lot of us do some self-reflection. We reflect back over the past year and evaluate how we did in life, work, spiritually, financially, etc. and we then set our goals for the New Year. This self-reflection can be good.

For me it is a time I review my:

  • Personal Mission
  • Core Values
  • Roles
  • History

To be sure they reflect what I think Christ wants in my life.

This is also the time I review my calendar for the next year, to be sure it reflects what I believe God wants to fill my days.

A few reflection questions might be:

  • Am I becoming more loving and tenderhearted?
  • Am I treating my family and friends with godly respect?
  • Is my conversation becoming more righteous?”

Consider setting some goals that reflect the way God wants us to live and pursue His righteousness.